\\\\\\\\ listen to a recent podcast interview ///////\

\\\\\\\\ listen to a recent podcast interview ///////\

true name collective is a landing place for energy healing practice and death work service. we center the constellations of trans, non-binary, gender non-conforming, gender-fluid, intersex, and queer bodies. we support the shedding of our identities with care while holding our becomings in community. offering a tapestry for the tender work of healing childhood sexual abuse, incest, sexual violence, and the intricacies of consent in our adult bodies; true name collective is a space for ritual.

what is your true name?

may this work meet you as you are, may this work liberate the lands of our bodies, may this work gather us in belonging

BIPOC folx are offered 20% off on all services. 10% of all proceeds will be given to Tongva Taraxat Paxaavxa Conservancy

let us remember that we are currently on a planet that is flying through space